Category: Poverty


Niisha on the Financial Investigation of Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258

Neesha DuPuis of the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258 speaks about important developments concerning an investigation of the leadership of her nation.


Darlene Necan on Nov 21 2016 Protest at Doug Keshan’s office

Nov 21, 2016 Darlene Necan a spokeswoman for the Off Reserve people of the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258 speaks about the protest that she is organizing outside the offices of Doug Keshan, the...


Kelly Machimity speaks about problems at Ojiway nation of Saugeen #258

Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258 – Kelly Machimity speaks conditions on the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258 and the lack of transparency and accountability of the band council government there.


Gary Wasaykeesic speaks about furniture drive to Northern Indigenous communities

Gary Wassaykeesic of Real People’s Media speaks about the upcoming furniture drive that he is organizing. The truck is leaving from Toronto, and driving north to Thunder Bay, Savant Lake, and Mishkeegogamang. If you...


Amelia’s Story

As told by Volker Kromm, Executive Director of the Regional Food Distribution Association. Orginally published at the Ontario Association of Food Banks. There are many corners of our region that I will never see,...