Category: WGO Podcast


WGO 13 – Craig Blacksmith’s hunger strike against the Indian Act

Craig Blacksmith of the Dakota Nation joins us on the podcast to tell us about his hunger strike against the Indian Act. Craig is striking due to the Apartheid nature of the Indian Act...


WGO 12 – Quick Update On Where Things Are At

With strong backing vocals from the local bullfrog community, Kanenhariyo and Tom do a quick recap of the Kanenhariyo Defence Committee that just happened, and talk about what’s next for the campaign.


WGO 11 – Kanenhariyo’s Speech To The Venezuelan Ambassador

This is the full audio of the April 8th 2015 speech given by Kanenhariyo in response to the speech made by Venezuelan Ambassador Wilmer Barrientos at the Mohawk longhouse on 5th line at Six...

WGO 10 – The speech of the Venezuelan Ambassador to the Mohawk Longhouse 0

WGO 10 – The speech of the Venezuelan Ambassador to the Mohawk Longhouse

On April 8th 2015, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Canada, Wilmer Barrientos, came to the Mohawk Longhouse on 5th Line for dinner and a social dance. The ambassador made a profound and historic speech which...

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain 0

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain

Kanenhariyo and Tom talk together on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 about the legal status of the case and strategies for fundraising. The first 16 minutes or so are spent talking about the legal strategy...


WGO 7 – The day after the Ecuador rally in Washington, DC

After a 14 hour bus ride back from a historic rally in Washington where over 100 Onkwehon:we people came out to stand with their Ecuadorian brothers and sisters, Kanenhariyo and Tom eat lunch with...


WGO 9 – The Deyodyohkwahnhasta – The People’s Wampum

ONEIDA OF THE THAMES – Episode 9 of the What’s Going On Podcast was recorded at Oneida of the Thames territory on May 6th 2015. A group of Rotiskenrakehte gathered to speak about the...


WGO 6 – Is Bill C51 more of the same, or a new era of state repression?

Kanenhariyo and Tom discuss the possible implications of Bill C51 and what in the heck is going on with Stephen Harper’s plans for world domination.  


WGO 5 – A conversation with students at WLU

Kanenhariyo, Jonathan and Tom were invited to speak at panel discussion held by the Ontario Public Interest Research Group at Wilfred Laurier University. They discuss the questions of allyship and what solidarity means. Note,...


WGO 4 – The student visit

In February, a group of students from the Canadian Roots exchange visited Kanenhariyo’s house and heard presentations from Kanenhariyo, Jonathan Garlow, and Tom Keefer on questions of allyship and solidarity. Audio was recorded on...