Category: Shows


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 3 – Donald Trump and the Immanent Destruction of Humanity

Kelly and Tom talk about Donald Trump, the US elections, and the politics of genocide.  


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 2 – The Times They Are A Changing

With war and rumours of war spreading across the world, Kelly and Tom talk about economic collapse, the situation in Greece, and the general sense of crisis that pervades the present. This podcast was...


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 1 – Why We’re Doing This Podcast

Kelly and Tom introduce their podcast and themselves.


Kanasaraken speaks to Ateronhiatakon on the Kayenerekowa

Kanasaraken speaks to his friend Ateronhiatakon in Akwesasne to talk about what his father told him. Issues covered include the Kayenere:kowa, the state of politics within the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the influence of Gawio.


Got something to say? The People’s Fire

On this the first episode of “Got Something to Say” your host Rhonda Martin gets into a discussion about the Peoples Fire and the issues facing many of the people of Six Nations.


Datejie Green on organizing equality

TORONTO – Datejie Green speaks about her involvement in the major international conference “Organizing Equality” and its possibilities for bringing a wide range of social justice activists together in dialogue and action. The conference will...


An interview with Hazel Hill on the HDI

By Tom Keefer SIX NATIONS – There has been a lot of controversy over the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI), a creation of the Haudenosaunee Chiefs Confederacy Council in Six Nations. On May 16th, Kelly MacNaughton...


The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving and Marriage Ceremony

CATTARAGUS – Paul Delaronde (Tekarontake) and James Gray (Sakoietah) join Matt Hill, Louis Snyder and John Kane for the type of conversation that is the reason for “Let’s Talk Native…” Listen in to hear...


LTN: The Treaty of Canadaigua

WASHINGTON – Ribbon shirts, Gustowehs and Haudenosaunee people filled “The Indian Treaty Room” at the White House this week as some celebrated the 222 year old Canandaigua Treaty. These participants seemed oblivious to the...


Onkwehon:we protocols for international relations

AKWESASNE – Kanasaraken speaks to Real Peoples Media about how the Mohawk people have traditionally handled relations with representatives from other countries and how they go about picking representatives to communicate with those other...