McKenzie Meadows #landback Monday July 20 Update

Monday was a quiet day at the site of the latest #landback reclamation in Six Nations.
SIX NATIONS – An excavator sat quietly in the field at what was once the future site of McKenzie Meadows housing development on Monday afternoon. Warrior and Hiawatha belt flags waved loud and proud in the wind. Land stewards could be seen wearing non-medical masks and gathering in socially distanced groups.
The police presence was infrequent and intermittent as it should be at peaceful occupations like this one. As the digital age has allowed greater access to information regarding upcoming and proposed residential and commercial developments, you can anticipate an increase in the #landback occupations across Turtle Island.
One attendee at the site on Monday emphasized the importance of providing education to area residents as to the truth and falsehoods perpetuated by the Canadian government in its unending quest to do away with Onkwehon:we stewardship of the land; “We want to educate the people who already live in this area. Stopping this development is for them too,” said one land steward.
Caledonia is already dealing with antiquated infrastructure. Increasing the population to generate tax dollars to facilitate infrastructure upgrades will simply increase debt for future generations to pay off. In the meantime the increase in population, in this sleepy quaint town will have far reaching impacts on local politics and the economy.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts to learn more about the history of the territory and what you can do to help.