Mohawk Warriors carry out rifle salute in honour of the children Canada murdered
TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – On July 1st 2021, Rotiskenrakehte (members of the Mohawk Warriors society) gathered to honour the murdered and unmarked graves of the children of Canada’s residential “schools” through a rifle salute.
A video covering the event was released on the YouTube channel and Facebook page of the Rotiskenrakehte. In the video, Kanenhariyo offered a message to Canada and the actors in Canadas on going genocide: RCMP officers, various Provincial and territorial police officers, Canadas Federal Government including the House of Commons and the Senate, the various Provincial and Municipal Child and Family Service Workers, and Provincial Family Court Judges.
This is the third Rotiskenrakehte video update from Kanenhariyo. Update #2 covered the January 7th high speed chase that occurred after a Tyendinaga police officer punched an elder after refusing to follow appropriate protocols.
In the first Rotiskenrakehte video update Kanenhariyo talked about his appointment to the position of Roskenrakehte:kowa within the Mohawk Warriors Society in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.