After #OccupyINAC what’s next?

In the wake of the #OccupyINAC movement, and with rumblings coming from sources within the Trudeau government saying that they are planning to repeal the Indian Act, the question of “what’s next?” is being raised by grass roots Indigenous people. Here’s a quick round up of some of what’s coming up, including the #endINAC Challenge, a Spreecast Community Discussion on what’s after the Indian Act, a planned May 23rd ‘Day of Action’, and more.


Kanenhariyo, from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, recently released what he’s terming the #endINAC challenge, and is asking others to join in an express their visions for the future.

Kanenhariyo has expressed some of his thoughts on getting rid of the Indian Act in an earlier audio interview as the #OccupyINAC occupations were taking place.


The Onaman collective has announced the holding of an online video conversation on the topic “After the Indian Act.” The event will be held on Wednesday, April 27th, and can be accessed live online.


An event called “Across the Red Nations” will be held May 23 as a day of action held to draw attention to the needs of indigenous women, children, youth and the environment. According to organizer John Fox:

“Due to the inaction on the continued disappearances and murders of Aboriginal women by this Canadian nation, our people are taking to the streets. Our children are in State-controlled care and there is a continued onslaught on our men, land and the environment. Grassroots members have taken INAC offices across the country to make our point. The Government needs to act in the best interests of our people and to stop lip service.”

In Toronto, Allen Gardens has been chosen for the event that will start with a sunrise ceremony followed by a two hour sharing circle on various topics affecting Indigenous people. Speeches from various Indigenous leaders will occur at noon, to be followed by a short peaceful march to a designated area.

For more information about the day of action (which will be happening in Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Sault Ste Marie, please check out the Facebook group page at

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