Category: Raid at Wyman Rd


The Basics on COINTELPRO and How to Counter it

The goal of COINTELPRO is not necessarily the arrest or assassination of any one person, but dismantling a movement through death by a thousand cuts. Government agencies will use any means of pressure they can apply to dismantle a movement or organization. These tactics can include infiltration, psychological warfare, character assassination and even actual assassinations.


Videos from the Tyendinaga Front Lines

Here is a show case of some of the videos that Real People’s Media has produced covering the Tyendinaga actions in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people. To see all of our videos, check out our YouTube channel.


VIDEO: Jake on the OPP Raid at Wyman Rd. #SupportTheWarriors

In this video Jake speaks about what happened to him when the OPP violently attacked Mohawk people who refused to let trains run through their lands. The Mohawks objected to Canada committing an act...