Category: Tom Keefer

Vanessa Gray speaks about shutting down Line 9 0

Vanessa Gray speaks about shutting down Line 9

Vanessa Gray is one of three land defenders who has been criminally charged for allegedly taking direct action to manually shut down a valve on Enbridge’s Line 9. Real Peoples Media spoke to Vanessa...


Ron Sager, Tyendinaga Carver

Ron Sager is Wolf Clan Mohawk from Tyendinaga. Here he speaks with Real Peoples Media about his life experiences, the nature of of Onkwehon:we spirituality, and the art of carving. The interview was recorded...


WGO 20 – Intro To Season 2

Kanenhariyo and Tom introduce the upcoming season 2 of What’s Going On?


WGO 18 – Francis Boots On The Silver Covenant Chain

Francis Boots joins the podcast and tells us about his understanding of the Silver Covenant Chain and the relationship between the Crown and Mohawk people.


WGO 17 – A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing

Kanenhariyo speaks about broken treaties, forced assimilation and genocide. We also discuss whether or not Onkwehon:we and non-Onkwehon:we can “polish the chain” without the Queen as head of state and whose land Toronto really...


WGO 13a – Audio Tidbit – The Office And The Indiegogo Campaign

Here’s a short 5 minute update about the campaign from Kanenhariyo. Recorded on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 in Six Nations of the Grand River.


WGO 13 – Craig Blacksmith’s hunger strike against the Indian Act

Craig Blacksmith of the Dakota Nation joins us on the podcast to tell us about his hunger strike against the Indian Act. Craig is striking due to the Apartheid nature of the Indian Act...


WGO 12 – Quick Update On Where Things Are At

With strong backing vocals from the local bullfrog community, Kanenhariyo and Tom do a quick recap of the Kanenhariyo Defence Committee that just happened, and talk about what’s next for the campaign.

WGO 10 – The speech of the Venezuelan Ambassador to the Mohawk Longhouse 0

WGO 10 – The speech of the Venezuelan Ambassador to the Mohawk Longhouse

On April 8th 2015, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Canada, Wilmer Barrientos, came to the Mohawk Longhouse on 5th Line for dinner and a social dance. The ambassador made a profound and historic speech which...

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain 0

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain

Kanenhariyo and Tom talk together on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 about the legal status of the case and strategies for fundraising. The first 16 minutes or so are spent talking about the legal strategy...