Category: Band Council injustice


Zoom Meeting with Chief Riley and Stacy Amikwabi: Cannabis, the Rowan Proclamation, and the rights of Band Councils

On November 24th, 2022 join 420 North, Flint and Flower, and media sponsors Dispensing Freedom and Real People’s Media to discuss attempts by Indian Act Band Councils to tax and regulate cannabis on Rowan Proclamation lands. 


WGO 3C Culbertson Edition: Fraud and Collusion in the MBQ Vote?

At the end of the Sept 18, 2021 MBQ meeting the MBQ Band Leadership, their legal team, and One Feather – the company running the vote – had a discussion about how to ensure that they got a Yes vote on the Culbertson Tract Partial Settlement. Kanenhariyo is concerned that this effort to guarantee a “yes” vote amounts to fraud and collusion and shares his thoughts – and the audio from the meeting – in the podcast.


WGO Culbertson: Episode 3A – Kanenhariyo Attends Culbertson Zoom Meeting

Kanenhariyo attends the Sept 18, 2021 MBQ meeting and asks a question of the lawyer concerning the MBQ Band Council’s “Partial Settlement Agreement.” A conversation on the issues ensues.


“This vote is wrong in every way: All of it is in breach of our treaty”

The “Partial Settlement Agreement” vote that the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band Council is holding is a violation of the terms of the Simcoe Deed and a scheme to trick Mohawk people into giving up their land to Canada.


WGO Podcast Culbertson Edition #2 – with Uncle Mario Baptiste

In our second episode, we sit down for a talk with Uncle Mario Baptiste, a Mohawk of the Wolf Clan living in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.


Canada seeks to break Simcoe Deed Treaty with the Mohawks of the Six Nations

The administrative arm of the Canadian Federal Government – the Mohawks of the Bay Quinte Band Council – is asking its band members to approve the “settling and releasing” of Fee Simple title to 299 acres of the Culbertson Tract to Canada through a vote that breaks the terms of the Simcoe Deed.


Analysis: SNGR Band Council “Cannabis Law” violates both Canadian Law and the Great Law

The level of powers the “law” gives the Cannabis Commission are unprecedented and extreme. The Commission would hold a monopoly on sales of all cannabis products in the territory. Anyone looking to sell any cannabis products in Six Nations would have to buy it from the Commission at prices “inclusive of the Commission’s wholesale margin” (which it may set at whatever price it wants).


Video: Police raid second cannabis store in Six Nations within 10 days

Derek Doolittle, the acting chairperson of the SNPCC arrived shortly after the raid occurred, and filmed a portion of the raid and posted it to his Facebook account. In the video Doolittle asks “Who’s in charge here?” A SNPD officer dressed in all black with no badge number or name tag says “I am.” When asked under whose authority he is acting, the officer simply looks down at the large “POLICE” emblazoned on his tactical vest and taps it with his fingers.


In Quarantine without food, running water, heat, or electricity

Covid-19 is spreading through Indigenous communities in Northern Ontario and intensifying the already existing dynamics of poverty and oppression. In this interview, Darlene Necan speaks about the effects of Covid-19 in Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258 and the abandonment of the people by Chief and Council.


Six Nations People’s Cannabis Coalition announces official opening of five self-regulated cannabis stores in Six Nations

On October 14th, the SNPCC announced that five currently open dispensaries have agreed to uphold the Six Nations People’s Cannabis Coalition’s Cannabis Agreement, Interim Agreement, and to contribute to the community fund.