Category: Indigenous Economy


WGO 27 – The prophecy of the serpents

Sitting around the embers of a dying camp fire, Kanenhariyo tells the story of the prophecy of the serpents. This prophecy is common to the Hopi, the Haudenosaunee, and a number of other indigenous...


WGO 26 – Onkwehonwe Economics – A fireside chat about money, banks, and the ecology of everyday life

Sitting around a fire on an unseasonably warm November evening, Kanenhariyo and Tom discuss some principles of Onkwehon:we economics as it relates to an anti-colonial divestment plan that some Toronto activists are working on....


WGO 14 – Indigneous Tobacco in Tyendinaga with Andrew Martin

Kanenhariyo sits down with Andrew Martin, a business owner from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory to discuss his case and tobacco politics in the community. This recording was made on Saturday, June 27, 2015.

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain 0

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain

Kanenhariyo and Tom talk together on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 about the legal status of the case and strategies for fundraising. The first 16 minutes or so are spent talking about the legal strategy...