Category: Kanehsatake


Dec 14th Press Release from the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke

Recently, the Municipalité d’Oka passed a unilateral by-law, by-law 2020-223, that declared the Pine Forest as their cultural heritage site. This was done without the free prior and informed consent of the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke. This unilateral decision is in violation of international human rights norms that support and protect Indigenous peoples’ rights to self-determination.


Kanehsatà:ke Flood Damage Relief solidarity fund

  To donate to the campaign being organized by Settlement Reparations for Indigenous Peoples Montreal and Surrounding Area on behalf of Kanesatake Emergency Preparedness Team, please go to their Go Fund Me page. URGENT....


Every Mohawk a suspect

WHY DRUGS RAIDS IN KANEHSATAKE FEEL LIKE POLICE INVASIONS  by DAN DAVID (originally published in 2011 in The Dominion) KANEHSATAKE — “You didn’t see anything?” my neighbour asks. Apparently, another big police raid is taking place....