Category: water


Thunder Beach Resident welcomes Indigenous Encampment on Property

Two weeks after being arrested for Mischief for occupying private property on Nottawaga Beach in Tiny Township, Anishinaabe Land Defender Johnny Hawk of Gchimnissing Anishinabek (Beausoleil First Nation) has set up a fourth encampment, this time on Private Property in Thunder Beach.


Johnny Hawke arrested for exercising his rights in bringing attention to stolen Anishinaabe land

Anishinaabe man is charged with “mischief” for exercising constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights through use of a “Mobile Heritage Centre” to draw attention to Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister’s cottage on stolen native lands. UN-SURRENDERED...


Darlene Necan Walks for awareness of Nuclear Waste storage in Treaty 3

Darlene Necan and her supporters are walking Treaty 3 territory to bring awareness to the issue of Nuclear Waste Storage in Northeastern Ontario.


Kanehsatà:ke Flood Damage Relief solidarity fund

  To donate to the campaign being organized by Settlement Reparations for Indigenous Peoples Montreal and Surrounding Area on behalf of Kanesatake Emergency Preparedness Team, please go to their Go Fund Me page. URGENT....


Tehahenteh on Mid-Winter Ceremonies and Their Connection to Standing Rock (in Kanien’keha)

Video by Paulette Moore Tehahenteh is a Six Nations of the Grand River territory language teacher and protector of land, water and culture. He explores how Haudenosaunee/Rotinonshon:ni Mid-Winter ceremonies are connected to water protection...


To Wisconsin with Love: Offerings on water, land, and culture

This film is a cautionary story about communities under siege from extractive industry. Using the history of mining and the recent Elk River contamination in West Virginia as a reference, the film looks at...