Category: OPP


Thunder Beach Resident welcomes Indigenous Encampment on Property

Two weeks after being arrested for Mischief for occupying private property on Nottawaga Beach in Tiny Township, Anishinaabe Land Defender Johnny Hawk of Gchimnissing Anishinabek (Beausoleil First Nation) has set up a fourth encampment, this time on Private Property in Thunder Beach.


Johnny Hawke arrested for exercising his rights in bringing attention to stolen Anishinaabe land

Anishinaabe man is charged with “mischief” for exercising constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights through use of a “Mobile Heritage Centre” to draw attention to Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister’s cottage on stolen native lands. UN-SURRENDERED...


Don’t blame the messengers

Burning tires, dug up roads, burnt or appropriated construction equipment are all complaints that are being raised on social media in response to events in Six Nations. The cost of raising of the emergency alarm by Onkwehon:we is a small price to pay compared to the bill of centuries of genocide.


OPP commissioner leaks video in effort to garner public sympathy

Some serious ethical and political considerations are raised by OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique’s decision to selectively release police evidence through the OPP’s media platform.


Oct 9th Day of Action in defence of #1492 Land Back Lane

A compilation of actions being planned on Oct 9th, 2020 in support of #1492landbacklane in Six Nations, Toronto, Montreal, Kitchener/Waterloo, Guelph, Ottawa, London, Niagara, Windsor, St-Damien, East York, Windsor, and New Hazelton.


Police Liaison: The 411

The main purpose of Liaison officers is to gather information about the nature of the Indigenous resistance they are facing. They are debriefed by their bosses after every interaction, and the information they gather will be used against land defenders in court. A crucial factor that enables them to gather this information is the building of trust. That is why the officers will appear to be sincere and caring, and will often show up with coffee and food and may offer tobacco or sweetgrass.


Post-Arrest Statement from reporter Starla Myers

The OPP has made clear that it is undertaking a concerted attempt to silence grassroots Indigenous journalists as it enables an agenda of illegal land sales by the Provincial and Federal government. The promised negotiations are only an introduction to Canada’s specific claims and additions to reserve policies that are not consistent with Rotinonhsonni Title and, more specifically, The Haldimand proclamation.


RPM Journalist Starla Myers arrested by the OPP for reporting on 1492 Land Back Lane

A report from the arrest of RPM reporter at the Six Nations Police Department on Sept. 15th.


Onkwehon:we react to OPP escalation with Sept. 12 rally against police racism

The OPP is bound by the Canadian Constitution and in arresting journalists and land defenders they are breaking not only those sections of the Constitution which protect free speech and political protest, but Sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution which protect Onkwehonwe treaty rights and the Crown’s obligation to its Indigenous allies – the true title holders to this land.


Kanyen’kehaka Resistance Exposes Genocidal Colonial Agenda To The World

From The Credible Mohawk Just returned from #1492landbacklane and after a full look over of Six Nations and #landback potential, well Canada, you’re fucked. The war you have been waging is coming to a head, the lies and...