Category: Kaikaikons Atik Doodem (Johnny Hawk)


Thunder Beach Resident welcomes Indigenous Encampment on Property

Two weeks after being arrested for Mischief for occupying private property on Nottawaga Beach in Tiny Township, Anishinaabe Land Defender Johnny Hawk of Gchimnissing Anishinabek (Beausoleil First Nation) has set up a fourth encampment, this time on Private Property in Thunder Beach.


Johnny Hawke arrested for exercising his rights in bringing attention to stolen Anishinaabe land

Anishinaabe man is charged with “mischief” for exercising constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights through use of a “Mobile Heritage Centre” to draw attention to Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister’s cottage on stolen native lands. UN-SURRENDERED...


Constitutional Challenge brings Crown to Anishinaabe Lodge

John Hawke, an Anishinaabe man belonging to the Atik (Caribou Clan) self-represented himself in an Ontario court on Oct 27th 2020, and succeeded in getting the Crown and Judge to agree to resolve the dispute following the protocol of his Clan’s lodge.


Indigenous resistance movements in distress

We do need to protect our communities, but there is a difference between being cautious and being careful. Being cautious is reactionary, and based on the emotion of fear which makes us unable to think clearly and makes us easy to be controlled. Being careful is an action where we use our intelligence intelligently.