Category: Shows


Kanenhariyo’s message to the International Community about Canada’s violation of Indigenous Rights

On September 27th, 2021, Kanenhariyo made a presentation at a panel discussion on the violation of Indigenous People’s Human Rights in Canada, the USA and Australia. The event was organized by the permanent diplomatic missions of the Republic of Belarus, the People’s Republic of China, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as a side event during the 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the situation of Indigenous peoples.


WGO 3C Culbertson Edition: Fraud and Collusion in the MBQ Vote?

At the end of the Sept 18, 2021 MBQ meeting the MBQ Band Leadership, their legal team, and One Feather – the company running the vote – had a discussion about how to ensure that they got a Yes vote on the Culbertson Tract Partial Settlement. Kanenhariyo is concerned that this effort to guarantee a “yes” vote amounts to fraud and collusion and shares his thoughts – and the audio from the meeting – in the podcast.


WGO Culbertson: Episode 3A – Kanenhariyo Attends Culbertson Zoom Meeting

Kanenhariyo attends the Sept 18, 2021 MBQ meeting and asks a question of the lawyer concerning the MBQ Band Council’s “Partial Settlement Agreement.” A conversation on the issues ensues.


“This vote is wrong in every way: All of it is in breach of our treaty”

The “Partial Settlement Agreement” vote that the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band Council is holding is a violation of the terms of the Simcoe Deed and a scheme to trick Mohawk people into giving up their land to Canada.


WGO Podcast Culbertson Edition #2 – with Uncle Mario Baptiste

In our second episode, we sit down for a talk with Uncle Mario Baptiste, a Mohawk of the Wolf Clan living in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.


WGO Podcast Culbertson Edition #1 – with Uncle Gene Hill

The What’s Goin’ On? Podcast is back! In this season, we’re looking at the Culbertson Tract “Partial Settlement” vote being proposed by the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band Council. This vote, which...


The White Roots of Peace, Allies, and Privilege

On a late night trip to Lone Wolf for tea and pistachios, Kanenhariyo and Tom trundle along in the truck and talk about race, weapons and allies.


Onkwehonwe Economics – A Fireside chat about money, banks, and the ecology of everyday life

Sitting around a fire on an unseasonably warm November evening, Kanenhariyo and Tom discuss some principles of Onkwehon:we economics as it relates to an anti-colonial divestment plan that some Toronto activists are working on....


Nov 16 2020 – Livestream update from #1492landbacklane

Skyler Williams will be providing an update on the situation at #1492landbacklane live on Real People’s Media on 87.9FM in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory at 8:30pm tonight. The interview will be live-streamed to all Real People’s Media social platforms. #landback


Real People’s Media now Multi-platform Livestreaming

On November 3rd, 2020, Real People’s Media completed its first in-studio livestream from the studios of Real People’s Radio 87.9FM.