Kentyohkwahnhakstha gathering in Kenhteke
KENHTEKE MOHAWK TERRITORY – There will be a gathering of the Kentyohkwahnhakstha movement on Saturday April 16th 2016 at the Sadies Lane Longhouse in Tyendinaga. The meeting starts at 7am with a sunrise ceremony and breakfast will be at 8:30am. At 9:15 there will be a discussion held to welcome the people and explain the purpose and significance of the Kentyohkwahnhakstha. Lunch will be served at noon, and the meeting will go to until 4:30pm.
At 2pm there will be a discussion about traditional Onkwehon:we methods of fishing, including territory protocol, techniques and tips, and an equipment and safety overview, and discussion of places to fish on the territory of Kenhteke.
The Kentyohkwahnhakstha refers to the people’s wampum – a movement to re-unify the 49 Haudenosaunee families that unified to make up the Iroquois Confederacy. For some more information and background about what the group is seeking to achieve, Episode 9 of the What’s Going On Podcast provides some insight and background. For more information, email