Mohawk Nation Meeting to Discuss Minister’s Request to Polish the Chain.

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory—Today the Mohawk Nation have been holding a “People’s Meeting” for Mohawks from Territories in Ontario, Quebec, and New York State to discuss the ongoing solidarity actions taken by Tyendinaga Mohawks, in response to the call from Wetsuweten Hereditary Chiefs to #ShutDownCanada, after the RCMP invaded their Territory out West.
The CN Rail stoppage is in its 9th day since Mohawks demanded that no trains cross their Territory at Tyendinaga until the RCMP leave Wetsuweten Territory, where the government is using the militarized police force to escort Coastal Gas Link employees who are building a new fracked gas pipeline.
Federal Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller has requested to “Polish the Silver Covenant Chain,” one of the original agreements between Mohawks and the Crown, to address the issues that both Canada and the Mohawks have. Tomorrow, he will be arriving at the Wyman Rd CN Rail crossing at 10am. The Mohawks have agreed to meet with him.
Indigenous and non-Indigenous supporters alike are welcome to travel to Tyendinaga tomorrow to witness the historic event.
For more information see
WHO: Representatives of the Mohawk Nation
WHAT: Polishing the Silver Covenant Chain
WHEN: 10 am, Saturday February 15, 2020
WHERE: Wyman Rd. CN Rail Crossing, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory