The Peace

The peace
A poem by Dr. Sally Brant
Did they hear us calling
Did they find another way
Did they fight the flightless monster
In the black and white and grey
Could they see our bruises
Or the tears streaked on our face
Were our cries heard outspoken
From the bones left in our place
My arms no longer hug you
My eyes no longer see
My memory is burdened there
for you because of me
The time below left ticking
Until we felt the sun
Now the work of ages
Is here to be undone
Help me find the peace
That we were searching for
In times when we were beaten
Left broken on the floor
Help me find my voice
Through yours it can be found
Let it shine upon you
To seek not sorrows sound
Make the waves abundant
Strong and loud and true
That is where the peace will come
For me and for you