Category: Akwesasne


Native-made cigarettes are bringing wealth and disapproval to reserves

Tom Blackwell, National Post Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010 Tucked away at the end of a narrow driveway, the factory is easy to miss, an anonymous blue metal box ringed by a towering green fence....


The Longhouse People at Mid-Century

The Longhouse People, a short film by Allan Wargon provides a view of Onkwehon:we people at Six Nations in the middle of the 20th Century.


Mohawk Loran Thomson Witnessed Chevron’s Dirty Hand in Ecuador

August 9, 2015 Following the historic Eagle and Condor encounter in Washington, when over 100 Haudenosaunee people came to show their support for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon negatively affected by Chevron, Mohawk...