Category: Reprint


Native-made cigarettes are bringing wealth and disapproval to reserves

Tom Blackwell, National Post Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010 Tucked away at the end of a narrow driveway, the factory is easy to miss, an anonymous blue metal box ringed by a towering green fence....


Does Medical Marijuana Help Treat Chronic Pain?

By Jay Smoker September 3, 2012 Opiate Treatments Improved with Medical Marijuana There is one battle that the pharmaceutical companies are loosing on a daily basis; and it’s the one declared on chronic pain....

Smoking cannabis ‘may help alcoholics to quit drinking’ 0

Smoking cannabis ‘may help alcoholics to quit drinking’

Andy Wells 16 November 2016 Cannabis Scientists have claimed that smoking weed may actually help alcoholics kick their drinking habit for good. Despite cannabis being regarded by anti-drugs campaigners as a ‘gateway drug’ to...


First Autonomous Indigenous Government created in Peru

By Rick Kearns The Wampis people of Peru recently created the nation’s first Autonomous Indigenous Government, which does not seek independence from Peru but intends to protect their rights and their territory. On November...


Why the Mohawks are no Longer Walking the High Steel

By Henry Gass. (This article was originally published by the Globe and Mail on August 23, 2013) Pete Marquis doesn’t drink on his drive home from work any more. He dreams. Night is falling...