Category: Quechua


A Mohawk in Peru #3: Thoughts on leaving Peru

Today, with sadness, I leave Peru to head back to other parts of the world. I had planned on staying longer to report on the mass protests, but must leave unexpectedly to assist with...


A Mohawk in Peru: Report #2 on the US/Canadian Coup

There is a saying in Peru, if you’re born poor, you die poor. This saying applies to the rural Indigenous Peruvians where hopelessness abounds and equality of opportunity is nonexistent. You work to survive...


A Mohawk in Peru: RPM Correspondent reports on Indigenous uprising

What’s happening in Peru should concern the rest of the world, especially Canadians who have considerable skin in this game. On December 7th, 2022, Pedro Castillo, the first rural Andean Indigenous President in Peru’s history, was removed from office after a conflict with the elite, wealthy corporate interests dominating Peru’s Congress.