Category: Uncategorized


Predatory Pricing leads to the cheapest fuel in Ontario, and hard times for Mohawk businesses

How the economic practices of a former employee of the Auditor General of Canada are harming the private sector in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Editorial note: Real People’s Media has been approached by several business...


RCMP raid Bear Buds in Eskasoni to enforce provincial laws on Indigenous lands

Bear Buds in Eskasoni First Nation, Mi’kmaw territory was raided by the RCMP detachment in Eskasoni on Thursday, Jan 18, 2023 at around noon. Several armed RCMP officers came in two vehicles to the...


Chief Del Riley stops unlawful eviction from Indigenous lands in Shawanaga First Nation

Tim and Jo-An are both disabled and in their mid-50s and had no way to move their belongings from the home. Faced with the threat of eviction by armed enforcers of the Province, they reached out for help. It was then that a group of elders in the community descended from the Kewaquado family stepped up and asked for Hereditary Crane Clan Chief Del Riley to get involved. Chief Riley was appointed by Tim to be his representative, and when the Sheriff arrived on July 13th, Chief Riley and a group of a dozen supporters were there to stand by Tim and Jo-An.


Taunting OPP Officers fire rubber bullets, tasers and brandish assault weapons at 6×6 camp; Hwy 6 shut down as hundreds gather at Kanonhstaton.

SIX NATIONS – OPP officers instigated a major clash at the corner of Hwy 6 and 6th line near Caledonia while land defenders were in Cayuga court today. At around 4pm, OPP cruisers pulled...


DOCUMENT: History of land theft in Tyendinaga

Deborah Jean Doxtator’s 1982 Master’s Thesis entitled “Tyendinaga Land Surrenders: 1820-1840” is a nearly complete account of how Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory went from 92,700 acres to ~17,000 acres. PDF embedded below.

Still from YouTube: It takes a village 0

VIDEO: It takes a village to stop a genocide – Mohawks set up giant tent

The people are building infrastructure and capacity for those willing to stand up against RCMP and OPP bullying on unceded indigenous lands.


BREAKING: CN Attempting to Restart Trains

Real Peoples Media has learned that a train has just left Belleville heading East. They will attempt to send one freight train through, and if successful they will check the tracks, then attempt to...


Tyendinaga Railway Shutdown Roundup February 24, 2020

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory — February 24th, 2020 was the 18th day of the Railway Stoppage at Tyendinaga and probably the busiest day since it began on February 6th. The stoppage was set up in...