Tkaronto Solidarity Visit to Wyman Road Village
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory — A busload and a few cars of over 50 activists from Tkaronto (Toronto) visited the Wyman Road village today. The group brought a load of firewood of several other supplies, along with warm wishes on a cold February day.

In a February 24th notice, OPSEU called on its members to join in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en and Kanyen’kehaka people. Crystal Sinclair, who organized the solidarity visit, said: “[it is] a national disgrace for the OPP to use force against Indigenous people peacefully exercising their sovereignty over their lands… The RCMP must leave Wet’suwet’en/Unist’ot’en land now and the OPP must end its raid on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory as a step toward a peaceful resolution of this conflict.”
The solidarity delegation included members of Idle No More Toronto, the Ontario Public Services Employees Union Region 5 and Region 3, members of CUPE Ontario, representatives from Comité de Unidad Campesino and other Tkaronto-based activists.

Upon arrival, the activists brought in their donations and unloaded firewood. A camp organizer introduced them to the village and explained the protocols for visitors. Due to work and other obligations, the solidarity delegation’s visit was short-but-sweet. Before loading back onto the bus, one of the hosts from the camp addressed the crowd with words of thanks, saying: “You have lifted the spirits of the people here today. You have shown them that they are not alone and have not been forgotten out here.”