Category: Rule of Law

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain 0

WGO 8 – The Silver Covenant Chain

Kanenhariyo and Tom talk together on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 about the legal status of the case and strategies for fundraising. The first 16 minutes or so are spent talking about the legal strategy...


Canada’s problems with the Law

By Michael Keefer | 20 November 2013. Rob Ford, now universally referred to as “the crack-smoking mayor of Toronto,” continues to astonish us—not just because he can’t open his mouth in public without bullying, lying,...


Justice and Legality: The sisters of Antigone

By Michael Keefer Canada does seem to be having persistent problems with the law. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in its Delgamuukw and Marshall decisions, in 1997 and 1999, that First Nations peoples...