Justice for Evelyn Wassaykeesic
This is a story about the corruption in the community I come from. Back then it was heavy in corruption, and corruption kills. I have the documents to prove that.
This is a story about the corruption in the community I come from. Back then it was heavy in corruption, and corruption kills. I have the documents to prove that.
The moral of the story is make sure you know what’s going on before you jump into the debate and share the latest slanderous article from the Two Row Times and the Turtle Island News, or for that matter the Tyendinaga OPP and its Men’s Council auxiliary, or fake online accounts claiming to be the Tyendinaga Police.
As the Rotiskarewake (Bear Clan), we would like to clarify our position regarding our brother and son Kanenhariyo. He does have a voice in the nation and he continues to work in a way that advances Nation to Nation relationships. Kanenhariyo is a valuable asset to our Clan and Nation. We have not agreed to remove his name or silence him, and he is to be treated with the full respect and dignity as any one else living with the full protection of the Kayanerehkowa.
While we do not normally publicly comment on attacks from trolls and social media haters, the situation has now escalated to one in which threats of vigilante violence have been made against RPM members and the participants at the Wyman Rd. camp. These threats have been made online and in person. The fingerprints of police involvement in “bad-jacketing” RPM members for violence are all over recent events.
Here is a show case of some of the videos that Real People’s Media has produced covering the Tyendinaga actions in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people. To see all of our videos, check out our YouTube channel.
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory — A busload and a few cars of over 50 activists from Tkaronto (Toronto) visited the Wyman Road village today. The group brought a load of firewood of several other supplies,...
In this video Nick Kolbasook speaks about what happened to him when the OPP violently attacked Mohawk people who refused to let trains run through their lands.
In this video Jake speaks about what happened to him when the OPP violently attacked Mohawk people who refused to let trains run through their lands. The Mohawks objected to Canada committing an act...
This footage of the Feb 16, 2020 solidarity rally at the Rainbow Bridge was filmed by Rhonda Martin for Real People’s Media.
Corey Jocko speaks about what happened to him when the OPP violently attacked the encampment at Wyman Rd in Tyendinaga. Tyendinaga Mohawks have stopped trains through their lands to object to Canada committing an...