Category: Indigenous Economy
TYENEDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – Gary Wassaykeesic, a correspondent for Real People’s Media makes a visit to Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory to check out Legacy 420 for himself. Here’s his reaction to the place and the movement...
By Tom Keefer Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory – Over 40 people attended the inaugural meeting of the Indigenous Medical Cannabis Association on Saturday, January 28th. Attendees came from a number of different communities including Tyendinaga,...
Over the past year Real People’s Media has covered the growth of an Indigenous medical cannabis industry in Tyendinaga that of this writing now consists of three dispensaries openly operating within the territory. The...
By Jason Barker | Weed News, January 19th, 2017 Cannabis on tribal lands has always been a complicated issue. In short, tribes have leeway to legalize cannabis under sovereignty, but sometimes those tribal lands...
By Tom Keefer TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – ’The times they are a changin’. 10 or 20 years ago it would have seemed quite implausible that a group of Native growers and retailers of marijuana...
Kanasaraken (Loran Thompson)speaks to Tom Keefer of Real Peoples Media about his thoughts on the draft framework and bylaws of the Indigenous Medical Cannabis Association, the significance of medical cannabis as a healing herb,...
Brian Marquis is a Mohawk from Tyendinaga. He has been growing cannabis for over 40 years, and in this interview he speaks about his involvement in the industry and his thoughts on the formation...
While Native American tribes of New York continue the struggle to educate people about their culture, the state is helping to move cultural relations forward. Insight discusses tribal economics and politics.John Kane’s interview starts...
Certain recommendations in the Task Force Report might mean that future applicants won’t face the same start-up costs as established LPs. By Tanis Adams | Reprinted from The latest recommendations released by the...
Niisha Kwe, a member of the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen 258, speaks with Real People’s Media about her community’s concerns about a planned gold mine on her peoples territory and the lack of consultation...