Category: Location


An interview with Hazel Hill on the HDI

By Tom Keefer SIX NATIONS – There has been a lot of controversy over the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI), a creation of the Haudenosaunee Chiefs Confederacy Council in Six Nations. On May 16th, Kelly MacNaughton...


Indigenize or die: reclaiming cities and traditional lands

By Fernando Arce The concrete buildings and streets that surround our Canadian cities hide a history of colonialism as well as vast swaths of green spaces and traditional lands that once flourished. That’s why...


The Two Row Times and the HDI

How Elected Band Council and the Two Row Times are working together to dismantle the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) [Authors note: While I have been well aware of debates and materials going around social...


Chican@ Libearation and Indigenous Self-Determination

by Joaquin Cienfuegos Intro This was written for the people in the movement Chicano identified and beyond. It is also a reflection. We need to continue to build, but in order to do that...


A hate crime in Tyendinaga

By Tom Keefer TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – On Saturday April 30th, Ohaheyo, a 24 year old Kanyen’kéhaka (Mohawk) man was the victim of a hate crime. He attended a party that a group of white...


(re)occupied: #OccupyINAC and British Columbia’s 1975 Militant May

By Sarah Nickel When approximately thirty members of the Idle No More and Black Lives Matter movements entered the Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAC) office in Toronto on April 13, 2016 to protest government...


Every Mohawk a suspect

WHY DRUGS RAIDS IN KANEHSATAKE FEEL LIKE POLICE INVASIONS  by DAN DAVID (originally published in 2011 in The Dominion) KANEHSATAKE — “You didn’t see anything?” my neighbour asks. Apparently, another big police raid is taking place....


Behind the scenes at #OcupyINAC

TORONTO – Gary Wassaykeesic recently sat down with Real Peoples Media to tell the story of how INAC Toronto was occupied and what led to the #occupyINAC movement. Wassaykeesic explains the linkages of the movement...


After #OccupyINAC what’s next?

In the wake of the #OccupyINAC movement, and with rumblings coming from sources within the Trudeau government saying that they are planning to repeal the Indian Act, the question of “what’s next?” is being...


Chretien’s ignorant paradigm

Former PM Chretien ignorant he exists within a paradigm By Lynn Gehl, PhD Chretien is blinded by his paradigm Re: When I read this article linked above the other morning regarding Jean Chretien’s views...