Category: RPM YouTube


Coverage of the developing Indigenous medical cannabis industry in Tyendinaga

Over the past year Real People’s Media has covered the growth of an Indigenous medical cannabis industry in Tyendinaga that of this writing now consists of three dispensaries openly operating within the territory. The...

Gary Wassaykeesic – Jan 17, 2017 Update on ‘Telling our Stories’ 0

Gary Wassaykeesic – Jan 17, 2017 Update on ‘Telling our Stories’

Gary Wassaykeesic gives an update as to where his project of interviewing indigenous survivors of Canadian colonialism is at.


Telling Our Stories: Elder Vern Harper speaks with Gary Wassaykeesic

Elder Vern Harper is a respected Indigenous elder who lives in Toronto. He was interviewed by Gary Wassaykeesic and Zach Ruiter for Real Peoples Media on January 11th of 2017.


Gary Wassaykeesic – Telling our stories

TORONTO – Gary Wassaykeesic is a survivor of the Canadian residential school system and a long time activist working for justice for Indigenous people. In this interview he talks about his initiative to document the...


Season 3 of the WGO Podcast

SIX NATIONS – The What’s Goin’ On Podcast, also known as the WGO Podcast is one of the primary podcasts of Real People’s Media. Our first two seasons were focused on following Kanenhariyo, a...