Category: Shows


Michael Keefer – Revolutionary Compassion Against Colonialism

Tom and his father Michael Keefer sit down to talk about the colonial situation in Palestine and Turtle Island and the letter that Michael is writing to Stephane Dion. Michael Keefer is Professor Emeritus...


Esu Crossing the Middle Passage: An Interview with d’bi young anitafrika

Playwright and poet d’bi young anitafrika speaks to Real Peoples Media about her upcoming play “Esu Crossing the Middle Passage.” The show is playing in Toronto from April 4th to April 17th 2016 in...


Dbi Young Anitafrika Stranded in Trinidad

d’bi young anitafrika is a renowned Jamaican-Canadian poet, musician and playwright. On March 6th, 2016 on her way back to Toronto from a working visit to Trinidad and Tobago she was racially profiled and...


Don’t Blame The Nation State

In this excerpt from Episode 36 of the What’s Going On Podcast Kanenhariyo talks his frustration with how people blame “the system” for its wrongdoings without understanding the complicity of everyday people active in...


Kanenhariyo on the fabrication of the white race

In this excerpt from Episode 36 of the What’s Going on Podcast, Kanenhariyo talks about the fabrication of the white race.


Gustafsen Lake’s Exiled – by Fernando Acre

The Gustafsen Lake is one of the most significant conflicts between Indigenous people and the Canadian state in recent memory. Over 400 RCMP officers used helicopters, armoured personnel carriers and fired over 70,000 rounds...


Kanasaraken on the Onkwehon:we relationship with Ecuador

Mohawk Kanasaraken (Loran Thompson) speaks about his visit to Ecuador to see the devastation in the Amazonian rainforest, and speaks about the importance of developing indigenous to indigenous relationships with the original peoples of...

Vanessa Gray speaks about shutting down Line 9 0

Vanessa Gray speaks about shutting down Line 9

Vanessa Gray is one of three land defenders who has been criminally charged for allegedly taking direct action to manually shut down a valve on Enbridge’s Line 9. Real Peoples Media spoke to Vanessa...


LTN – Greg Deal – Dec 31st 2015

Gregg Deal joins LTNs final show of 2015. Crystal Shawanda is our featured musical artist. We catch up on some of the year’s events, tackle some history and stand strong on some of the...


LTN – John Kane, Matt Hill, Paul Delaronde – Dec 27th 2015

This is John Kane’s last episode with Intercom communications. Future episodes will be coming to you from the new Lets Talk Native studio in Cattaraugus. Issues covered include the largest mass trial and execution...