Category: Contributors


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 4 – The Kayenerekowa and Indigenous media today

Sitting the back office, Kelly and Tom discuss the clan system, the Kayenere:kowa and indigenous media today.


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 2 – Donald Trump and the immanent destruction of humanity

Kelly and Tom talk about Donald Trump, the US elections, and the politics of genocide.


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 2 – The times they are a changing

With war and rumours of war spreading across the world, Kelly and Tom talk about economic collapse, the situation in Greece, and the general sense of crisis that pervades the present moment.    


Ka’nikonriyo Podcast 1 – Why we’re doing this podcast

Kelly and Tom introduce their podcast and themselves.


Audio and Photos from the Venezuelan Ambassador’s Visit

The Historic Visit of the Venezuelan Ambassador to the Mohawk Longhouse By Tom Keefer OHSWEKEN – One of the most significant diplomatic events of 2015 in Iroquoian country was the meeting of the Venezuelan...


“Indian Fighting” with Terrorism Laws

Time for the U.S. to Admit What It’s Doing—“Indian Fighting” with Terrorism Laws By John Kane, Sept 4, 2013 The Contraband Cigarette Trafficking Act (CCTA) and its enhanced amendments through the reauthorization of the...


Good “Indians”

Let’s be honest. Most people have no idea who Philip Sheridan is – or care. The infamous quote, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” is attributed to him. Whether Sheridan really said...


WGO 3 – The Onkwehon:we relationship to tobacco with Tekarontake

Kanenhariyo, Tom Keefer and special guest Tekarontake of Kahnawake gather together in the basement to discuss the history of the Onkwehon:we relationship to tobacco. Tekarontake talks about ancient trading practices, the significance of tobacco to...


The Sting and the Overreach

by John Kane August 21, 2013 Last week, a 43-count federal indictment was filed in the Western District of Missouri. It named 18 defendants and while only a handful of were Native, this indictment and the...



Let me first say that I am honored to be a part of the Two Row Times inaugural edition. While I hope this publication maintains a high level of responsibility in its reporting, I...