Category: Contributors


#Rise Part 1: How it Began

This is Part 1 of a video series created by Real People’s Media that examines the rise of solidarity movement with the Wet’suwet’en in February of 2020. Episode 1 consists of an interview with “Mr. 315” discussing how and why he became involved in the Wet’suwet’en struggle. Thank you to our sponsor for this episode,


How to make an active verb chart in Kanyen’kéha

Here’s the first language video on my new youtube channel “Kanyen’kéha Tewathró:ri”. In this video I teach how to make a basic active verb chart using the verb “to stay at home” / “to remain in one’s dwelling”, since it’s relevant during this pandemic season.


Indigenous resistance movements in distress

We do need to protect our communities, but there is a difference between being cautious and being careful. Being cautious is reactionary, and based on the emotion of fear which makes us unable to think clearly and makes us easy to be controlled. Being careful is an action where we use our intelligence intelligently.


VIDEO: Covid Pandemic worsens border crossing situation for Akwesasne Mohawks

Having an international bridge run through Kawehnoke (a.k.a Cornwall Island), subjects Akwesasronon living on Kawehnoke to restrictions, interrogation, abuse and racism anytime they leave the island. When it comes to identification, both the US and Canadian Customs accept the INAC cards as a form of ID, from Onkwehonwe travelling through their borders; but the Haudenosaunee passport a.k.a the “Red Card” is still a hit or miss when travelling through CBSA.


Kanenhariyo interviews Dr. Chris Keefer on Covid 19 in Indigenous communities

Kanenhariyo interviews emergency doctor Chris Keefer on Covid 19 in Indigenous communities. Topics discussed include the severity of the pandemic, strategies for minimizing risk in Indigenous communities, and a discussion of how elders and...


Justice for Evelyn Wassaykeesic

This is a story about the corruption in the community I come from. Back then it was heavy in corruption, and corruption kills. I have the documents to prove that.


What’s really going on in Tyendinaga with Real People’s Media

The moral of the story is make sure you know what’s going on before you jump into the debate and share the latest slanderous article from the Two Row Times and the Turtle Island News, or for that matter the Tyendinaga OPP and its Men’s Council auxiliary, or fake online accounts claiming to be the Tyendinaga Police.


Terry Maracle and Shawn Brant promote mob violence against Wet’suwet’en solidarity camp

An eyewitness account of the arrival of Shawn Brant and Terry Maracle’s so-called Tyendinaga “Men’s Council” threatening vigilante violence against the Wyman Rd. Wet’suwet’en support camp.


Tyendinaga Bear Clan responds to March 1 letter from Jan Hill

As the Rotiskarewake (Bear Clan), we would like to clarify our position regarding our brother and son Kanenhariyo. He does have a voice in the nation and he continues to work in a way that advances Nation to Nation relationships. Kanenhariyo is a valuable asset to our Clan and Nation. We have not agreed to remove his name or silence him, and he is to be treated with the full respect and dignity as any one else living with the full protection of the Kayanerehkowa.


Videos from the Tyendinaga Front Lines

Here is a show case of some of the videos that Real People’s Media has produced covering the Tyendinaga actions in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people. To see all of our videos, check out our YouTube channel.