Category: Return to the land


Raid of Lutselk’e cultural camp a “sickening” example of Northwest Territories racism

Calls for apology and accountability are met with deafening silence by the Government of the Northwest Territories By Chief James Marlowe, Lutselk’e Dene First Nation  Lutselk’e Dene First Nation is a community in the...


Supporters rally and stop police eviction of Anishinaabe Kwe for refusing to pay property taxes

Robyn “Kiki” Eshkibok was awoken this morning by the arrival of a sheriff and half a dozen Sault Ste. Marie police officers who tried to evict her from her home at 416 Old Garden River Rd. Eshikbok, who is from Wiikemkoong and Ketegaunseebee First Nations has been living in her home since October 2011, but ceased paying property taxes to the city after becoming aware of her Aboriginal and Treaty rights.


Chief Del Riley stops unlawful eviction from Indigenous lands in Shawanaga First Nation

Tim and Jo-An are both disabled and in their mid-50s and had no way to move their belongings from the home. Faced with the threat of eviction by armed enforcers of the Province, they reached out for help. It was then that a group of elders in the community descended from the Kewaquado family stepped up and asked for Hereditary Crane Clan Chief Del Riley to get involved. Chief Riley was appointed by Tim to be his representative, and when the Sheriff arrived on July 13th, Chief Riley and a group of a dozen supporters were there to stand by Tim and Jo-An.


The White Roots of Peace, Allies, and Privilege

On a late night trip to Lone Wolf for tea and pistachios, Kanenhariyo and Tom trundle along in the truck and talk about race, weapons and allies.


The Prophecy of the Serpents

Sitting around the embers of a dying camp fire, Kanenhariyo tells the story of the prophecy of the serpents. This prophecy is common to the Hopi, the Haudenosaunee, and a number of other indigenous communities. It tells of time of catastrophe and crisis, when the people must head for the high ground and prepare for what is to come.


“Last man Standing:” Meet Wack, the longest term resident of Kanonhstaton, now at #landbacklane

Wack lived at Kanonhstaton to help protect the land for over 10 years. He’s been at Landback lane since the day it began where he has lived in a tent with his dogs for over 90 days.


McKenzie Meadows #landback Monday July 20 Update

An excavator sat quietly in the field at what was once the future site of McKenzie Meadows housing development on Monday afternoon. Warrior and Hiawatha belt flags waved loud and proud in the wind. Land stewards could be seen wearing non-medical masks and gathering in socially distanced groups.


Winter is coming at Kanonhstaton

After a fierce windstorm blew down their tents, land defenders at Kanonhstaton are beginning to build winter shelters as they dig in for the long term.


Our Haudenosaunee Declaration

OUR HAUDENOSAUNEE DECLARATION – statement of the Haudenosaunee people currently blockading Highway 6 in Caledonia August 10, 2017 In May 2006, the Province of Ontario stated in writing, that the title of Burtch Lands would...


A packing list for Indigenous resistance camps

By Sakej Ward I have just had a request to put up a packing list for activists going to Indigenous resistance camps. I have a general purpose Load out List. Its a lot of items...