Category: Location


Good “Indians”

Let’s be honest. Most people have no idea who Philip Sheridan is – or care. The infamous quote, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” is attributed to him. Whether Sheridan really said...

Canadian Left

Canadian Left

RSS feeds Index to good pages and issues relating to the Canadian Left. Essentially, the pages become like a wikipedia entry to the good stuff, with all the links going back to our site...


WGO 6 – Is Bill C51 more of the same, or a new era of state repression?

Kanenhariyo and Tom discuss the possible implications of Bill C51 and what in the heck is going on with Stephen Harper’s plans for world domination.  


WGO 5 – A conversation with students at WLU

Kanenhariyo, Jonathan and Tom were invited to speak at panel discussion held by the Ontario Public Interest Research Group at Wilfred Laurier University. They discuss the questions of allyship and what solidarity means. Note,...


WGO 4 – The student visit

In February, a group of students from the Canadian Roots exchange visited Kanenhariyo’s house and heard presentations from Kanenhariyo, Jonathan Garlow, and Tom Keefer on questions of allyship and solidarity. Audio was recorded on...


WGO 3 – The Onkwehon:we relationship to tobacco with Tekarontake

Kanenhariyo, Tom Keefer and special guest Tekarontake of Kahnawake gather together in the basement to discuss the history of the Onkwehon:we relationship to tobacco. Tekarontake talks about ancient trading practices, the significance of tobacco to...


WGO 2 – The trials and tribulations of the Canadian judicial system

Over at the Red Door studios, Kanenhariyo explains his predicament and a discussion ensues on questions of sovereignty and relationships between the Onkwehon:we and Canadian people.


WGO 1 – Kanenhariyo introduces the problem and asks for some help

The origins of Real People’s Media stem from the What’s Going On? Podcast that was begun in January of 2015 to document and build support for Kanenhariyo, a Mohawk man living in Six Nations who was facing jail time and a massive fine for transporting tobacco between Tyendinaga and Six Nations.


The Sting and the Overreach

by John Kane August 21, 2013 Last week, a 43-count federal indictment was filed in the Western District of Missouri. It named 18 defendants and while only a handful of were Native, this indictment and the...



Let me first say that I am honored to be a part of the Two Row Times inaugural edition. While I hope this publication maintains a high level of responsibility in its reporting, I...