Category: Audio


WGO 4 – The student visit

In February, a group of students from the Canadian Roots exchange visited Kanenhariyo’s house and heard presentations from Kanenhariyo, Jonathan Garlow, and Tom Keefer on questions of allyship and solidarity. Audio was recorded on...


WGO 3 – The Onkwehon:we relationship to tobacco with Tekarontake

Kanenhariyo, Tom Keefer and special guest Tekarontake of Kahnawake gather together in the basement to discuss the history of the Onkwehon:we relationship to tobacco. Tekarontake talks about ancient trading practices, the significance of tobacco to...


WGO 2 – The trials and tribulations of the Canadian judicial system

Over at the Red Door studios, Kanenhariyo explains his predicament and a discussion ensues on questions of sovereignty and relationships between the Onkwehon:we and Canadian people.


WGO 1.5 – Kanenhariyo’s first day in court

Kanenhariyo has just returned from his first day in court, and he’s feeling kind of bummed out about the experience. He and Tom catch up on what’s going on.


WGO 1 – Kanenhariyo introduces the problem and asks for some help

The origins of Real People’s Media stem from the What’s Going On? Podcast that was begun in January of 2015 to document and build support for Kanenhariyo, a Mohawk man living in Six Nations who was facing jail time and a massive fine for transporting tobacco between Tyendinaga and Six Nations.


Audio from Tyendinaga Social Dance

An excellent time was had by all at the Tyendinaga social held in December of 2015. Real Peoples Media is pleased to present you with some of the social songs that were sung. All...


Rachel Thevenard Runs Down Line 9

CORNWALL, ON. Rachel Thevenard has been running to draw attention to the reversal of Enbridge’s controversial Line 9 pipeline. Rachel started her run in Sarnia on Dec 4th, 2015 and when we spoke to...

Let’s Talk Native with John Kane

Let’s Talk Native with John Kane

John Kane is a Mohawk man from Kahnawake who lives in Cattargus, Seneca Territory. Kane has spent most of his adult life fighting for Native sovereignty and advancing the lives of Native people. You...


Ron Sager Tyendinaga Carver

Ron Sager is Wolf Clan Mohawk from Tyendinaga. Here he speaks with Real Peoples Media about his life experiences, the nature of of Onkwehon:we spirituality, and the art of carving. Below, you will find...


At the Intersection of Black and Native Hip-Hop

TORONTO – Wasun is one of Toronto’s most most politically active Hip Hop MCs. He has spent much of his life involved in political efforts to advance the struggles of grassroots people. In December of...