Category: Energy


Chief Dsta’hyl Arrested Upholding Wet’suwet’en Law

After Coastal Gaslink (CGL) private security illegally blocked Likht’samisyu people from their own land, Dini ze’ Dsta’hyl led a 4-day reclamation campaign throughout his territory along the pipeline route and following the historic Kweese War Trail. In observance of Wet’suwet’en trespass laws, Dini ze’ Dsta’hyl decommissioned 10 pieces of heavy construction equipment.


Video: Wet’suwet’en Chief Dsta’hyl deactivates Coastal Gaslink Excavator; orders CGL out

On October 16th, Lihkt’samisyu Chiefs Dsta’hyl and Tsebesa took action as Coastal Gaslink workers continued to trespass on Wet’suwet’en territory in violation of Wet’suwet’en laws and Canada’s own constitution. The Chiefs instructed Coastal Gaslink to remove all equipment from Lihkts’amisyu territory immediately, indicating that otherwise it would be decommissioned and seized by the Likht’samisyu Clan in accordance with its laws.


The Prophecy of the Serpents

Sitting around the embers of a dying camp fire, Kanenhariyo tells the story of the prophecy of the serpents. This prophecy is common to the Hopi, the Haudenosaunee, and a number of other indigenous communities. It tells of time of catastrophe and crisis, when the people must head for the high ground and prepare for what is to come.


4 Women Arrested at TMX Drill Site in Kamloops

Miranda kneeled to the ground and cut her hair as her sister sang in ceremony. Tears streamed from the faces of onlookers as a dozen police surrounded her ready to apprehend her with violent force.


Darlene Necan Walks for awareness of Nuclear Waste storage in Treaty 3

Darlene Necan and her supporters are walking Treaty 3 territory to bring awareness to the issue of Nuclear Waste Storage in Northeastern Ontario.

Interview with Sophia of Earth Guardians 0

Interview with Sophia of Earth Guardians

Sophia of Earth Guardians Ottawa-Gatineau talks about her organization and the role it is playing in resisting climate change.


#Rise Part 1: How it Began

This is Part 1 of a video series created by Real People’s Media that examines the rise of solidarity movement with the Wet’suwet’en in February of 2020. Episode 1 consists of an interview with “Mr. 315” discussing how and why he became involved in the Wet’suwet’en struggle. Thank you to our sponsor for this episode,


What’s really going on in Tyendinaga with Real People’s Media

The moral of the story is make sure you know what’s going on before you jump into the debate and share the latest slanderous article from the Two Row Times and the Turtle Island News, or for that matter the Tyendinaga OPP and its Men’s Council auxiliary, or fake online accounts claiming to be the Tyendinaga Police.


COINTELPRO-style disruption tactics used by Tyendinaga Police against Real People’s Media and Wet’suwet’en solidarity movement

While we do not normally publicly comment on attacks from trolls and social media haters, the situation has now escalated to one in which threats of vigilante violence have been made against RPM members and the participants at the Wyman Rd. camp. These threats have been made online and in person. The fingerprints of police involvement in “bad-jacketing” RPM members for violence are all over recent events.


Videos from the Tyendinaga Front Lines

Here is a show case of some of the videos that Real People’s Media has produced covering the Tyendinaga actions in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people. To see all of our videos, check out our YouTube channel.