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Wack lived at Kanonhstaton to help protect the land for over 10 years. He’s been at Landback lane since the day it began where he has lived in a tent with his dogs for over 90 days.
The Superior Court in Ontario was given the opportunity to correct historical wrongs today and failed miserably.
SIX NATIONS – OPP officers instigated a major clash at the corner of Hwy 6 and 6th line near Caledonia while land defenders were in Cayuga court today. At around 4pm, OPP cruisers pulled...
The Indian Act is based on the doctrine of discovery. What is the doctrine of discovery? The doctrine of discovery is the Roman Catholic church’s belief that the native people are not “human”.
A group of as many as 200 white people are suspected of participating in a series of violent, racist raids which saw buildings besieged, property damaged, commodities destroyed and (as of last night) at...
Sgt. Joyce’s suggestion that it is a matter of “feeling” or emotion rather than a matter of law removes accountability from the RCMP and distances them from their responsibility in upholding the Supreme court’s decision and protecting the constitutional rights of the Mi’kmaw.
Nine land defenders and their allies are scheduled to appear in criminal court today.
Miranda kneeled to the ground and cut her hair as her sister sang in ceremony. Tears streamed from the faces of onlookers as a dozen police surrounded her ready to apprehend her with violent force.
On October 14th, the SNPCC announced that five currently open dispensaries have agreed to uphold the Six Nations People’s Cannabis Coalition’s Cannabis Agreement, Interim Agreement, and to contribute to the community fund.
The relentless pursuit of the Warrior Arts can be healing, it can build and develop you, it can refine you… if you know the proper ceremony.