Category: Contributors


WGO Podcast Culbertson Edition #1 – with Uncle Gene Hill

The What’s Goin’ On? Podcast is back! In this season, we’re looking at the Culbertson Tract “Partial Settlement” vote being proposed by the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band Council. This vote, which...


Video: Getting ready for the Indigenous Tattoo gathering in Tyendinaga

The grounds are being prepared for the August 21-24th Indigenous Tattoo Gathering. Check out the following videos for more information about the gathering and to learn more about where it is being held.


Thunder Beach Resident welcomes Indigenous Encampment on Property

Two weeks after being arrested for Mischief for occupying private property on Nottawaga Beach in Tiny Township, Anishinaabe Land Defender Johnny Hawk of Gchimnissing Anishinabek (Beausoleil First Nation) has set up a fourth encampment, this time on Private Property in Thunder Beach.


Indigenous Tattoo Gathering to be held August 21-24 in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

An Indigenous Tattoo gathering will be held in Tyendinaga from August 21st to 24th. The gathering is an opportunity for Onkwehon:we (Indigenous) tattoo practitioners to share knowledge and skills, and for those seeking traditional hand poke tattoos to receive them.


Constitutional expert calls on the Ontario government to launch an inquiry into the Ontario Securities Commission

First Nations leader and constitutional expert Del Riley today called on the Ontario government to launch an inquiry into the Ontario Securities Commission’s handling of its investigation into Bridging Finance Inc. and its former CEO, David Sharpe.


The Peace

The peace A poem by Dr. Sally Brant Did they hear us calling Did they find another way Did they fight the flightless monster In the black and white and grey Could they see...


Johnny Hawke arrested for exercising his rights in bringing attention to stolen Anishinaabe land

Anishinaabe man is charged with “mischief” for exercising constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights through use of a “Mobile Heritage Centre” to draw attention to Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister’s cottage on stolen native lands. UN-SURRENDERED...


Mohawk Warriors carry out rifle salute in honour of the children Canada murdered

TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – On July 1st 2021, Rotiskenrakehte (members of the Mohawk Warriors society) gathered to honour the murdered and unmarked graves of the children of Canada’s residential “schools” through a rifle salute....


In Quarantine without food, running water, heat, or electricity

Covid-19 is spreading through Indigenous communities in Northern Ontario and intensifying the already existing dynamics of poverty and oppression. In this interview, Darlene Necan speaks about the effects of Covid-19 in Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258 and the abandonment of the people by Chief and Council.


The White Roots of Peace, Allies, and Privilege

On a late night trip to Lone Wolf for tea and pistachios, Kanenhariyo and Tom trundle along in the truck and talk about race, weapons and allies.