Category: Contributors


Six Nations Small Business Support

A new vendors market specializing in Indigenous crafts has opened up at Hwy 54 at Chiefswood Rd. SIX NATIONS – Are you looking for ways to do away with the quarantine blues? Do you...

The War in Illegitimate Canada Uncovered Through Ancient Traditional Indigenous Governance 0

The War in Illegitimate Canada Uncovered Through Ancient Traditional Indigenous Governance

“The use of our rule of law as a Nation truly shows many how powerful a united mind can be to overcome tyranny at any level for the benefit of the next Seven Generations.”


Photos of August 5th OPP raid on #1492landbacklane

A photo gallery from the OPP raid of August 5th on the #landback camp.


McKenzie Meadows #landback Monday July 20 Update

An excavator sat quietly in the field at what was once the future site of McKenzie Meadows housing development on Monday afternoon. Warrior and Hiawatha belt flags waved loud and proud in the wind. Land stewards could be seen wearing non-medical masks and gathering in socially distanced groups.


Onkwehon:we take #landback at McKenzie meadows in Grand River

Despite high winds and heavy rain, a group of Onkwehon:we land stewards began reclaiming the McKenzie Meadows development in Caledonia, Ontario on Sunday, July 20th.


As RCMP drop charges on Wet’suwet’en, OPP advance colonial agenda by charging over 20 Mohawks for standing up against genocide

Kanenhariyo was arrested and “tricked” by Napanee OPP who imposed “no protest” conditions; 9-10 more arrests of Mohawk Warriors are anticipated in coming days; the first court date for all the Warriors is in...


Firestarters 3 – Louis Snyder reacts to Takarontakeh discussing Onkwehon:we knowledge and responsibilities.

Louis Snyder, Wolf Clan of the Seneca Nation, listens to and reacts to an audio presentation made by Takarontakeh on Onkwehon:we knowledge and responsibilities. Takarontakeh is an elder from Kahnawake who promotes Onkwehon:we sovereignty...


Kanenhariyo on the roles and responsibilities of the Rotiskenrakehete (warriors)

Kanenhariyo on the roles and responsibilities of the Rotiskenrakehete (warriors).


Making a Kanyen’kéha pronominal prefix chart for consonant stem roots/morphemes

By Tehawennahkwa Here’s the second language video on my new youtube channel “Kanyen’kéha Tewathró:ri“.  In it I explain how to make a Kanyen’kéha pronominal prefix chart for consonant stem roots/morphemes. Pronominal prefixes are the...


The RPM Covid-19 Challenge

Tell us about what positive steps you’re taking in this age of Covid-19. Are you planting a garden, cleaning up garbage, making art? Send an email to with your video and we’ll compile...