Category: Issues


The Prophecy of the Serpents

Sitting around the embers of a dying camp fire, Kanenhariyo tells the story of the prophecy of the serpents. This prophecy is common to the Hopi, the Haudenosaunee, and a number of other indigenous communities. It tells of time of catastrophe and crisis, when the people must head for the high ground and prepare for what is to come.


Onkwehonwe Economics – A Fireside chat about money, banks, and the ecology of everyday life

Sitting around a fire on an unseasonably warm November evening, Kanenhariyo and Tom discuss some principles of Onkwehon:we economics as it relates to an anti-colonial divestment plan that some Toronto activists are working on....


Nov 16 2020 – Livestream update from #1492landbacklane

Skyler Williams will be providing an update on the situation at #1492landbacklane live on Real People’s Media on 87.9FM in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory at 8:30pm tonight. The interview will be live-streamed to all Real People’s Media social platforms. #landback


“You’re an Indian and therefore we own you” – Reflections on the Pipestone tobacco raids

Everyone, including us, were expecting a raid… but it didn’t happen. TV crews were out in full force interviewing all afternoon to keep themselves occupied. When we finally did get raided a week later, we had an interesting phone conversation with a provincial tax representative.


Constitutional Challenge brings Crown to Anishinaabe Lodge

John Hawke, an Anishinaabe man belonging to the Atik (Caribou Clan) self-represented himself in an Ontario court on Oct 27th 2020, and succeeded in getting the Crown and Judge to agree to resolve the dispute following the protocol of his Clan’s lodge.


Is Onkwehon:we health related to our lands?

The land is just as essential and fundamental to health as is the cultural identity of the people who have lived upon it since time immemorial.


Don’t blame the messengers

Burning tires, dug up roads, burnt or appropriated construction equipment are all complaints that are being raised on social media in response to events in Six Nations. The cost of raising of the emergency alarm by Onkwehon:we is a small price to pay compared to the bill of centuries of genocide.


Letters To Canadian Colonial Leaders – Part 1

Through an Instagram and Facebook post people were encouraged to express their feelings of hurt and betrayal, disgust, and resentment to these individuals, their office and all it stands for. Many powerful letters have come through so far but one stood out immediately, the voice of the youth. Powerful, and reads as follows.


OPP commissioner leaks video in effort to garner public sympathy

Some serious ethical and political considerations are raised by OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique’s decision to selectively release police evidence through the OPP’s media platform.


“Last man Standing:” Meet Wack, the longest term resident of Kanonhstaton, now at #landbacklane

Wack lived at Kanonhstaton to help protect the land for over 10 years. He’s been at Landback lane since the day it began where he has lived in a tent with his dogs for over 90 days.