Category: 1492 #Landback Lane


Two Row Times and “Credible” Mohawk slander and libel Skyler Williams

The Two Row Times, a pro-Indian Act newspaper colludes with the “Credible” Mohawk to smear #1492LandBackLane’s most high profile warrior. The unfounded and slanderous claims made against Willams are part of a longstanding pattern to target and discredit those Onkwehon:we who uphold their traditional systems and fight to preserve their lands.


Nov 16 2020 – Livestream update from #1492landbacklane

Skyler Williams will be providing an update on the situation at #1492landbacklane live on Real People’s Media on 87.9FM in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory at 8:30pm tonight. The interview will be live-streamed to all Real People’s Media social platforms. #landback


Don’t blame the messengers

Burning tires, dug up roads, burnt or appropriated construction equipment are all complaints that are being raised on social media in response to events in Six Nations. The cost of raising of the emergency alarm by Onkwehon:we is a small price to pay compared to the bill of centuries of genocide.


Letters To Canadian Colonial Leaders – Part 1

Through an Instagram and Facebook post people were encouraged to express their feelings of hurt and betrayal, disgust, and resentment to these individuals, their office and all it stands for. Many powerful letters have come through so far but one stood out immediately, the voice of the youth. Powerful, and reads as follows.


OPP commissioner leaks video in effort to garner public sympathy

Some serious ethical and political considerations are raised by OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique’s decision to selectively release police evidence through the OPP’s media platform.


“Last man Standing:” Meet Wack, the longest term resident of Kanonhstaton, now at #landbacklane

Wack lived at Kanonhstaton to help protect the land for over 10 years. He’s been at Landback lane since the day it began where he has lived in a tent with his dogs for over 90 days.


What was Justice R. John Harper thinking?

The Superior Court in Ontario was given the opportunity to correct historical wrongs today and failed miserably.


Oct 9th Day of Action in defence of #1492 Land Back Lane

A compilation of actions being planned on Oct 9th, 2020 in support of #1492landbacklane in Six Nations, Toronto, Montreal, Kitchener/Waterloo, Guelph, Ottawa, London, Niagara, Windsor, St-Damien, East York, Windsor, and New Hazelton.


Post-Arrest Statement from reporter Starla Myers

The OPP has made clear that it is undertaking a concerted attempt to silence grassroots Indigenous journalists as it enables an agenda of illegal land sales by the Provincial and Federal government. The promised negotiations are only an introduction to Canada’s specific claims and additions to reserve policies that are not consistent with Rotinonhsonni Title and, more specifically, The Haldimand proclamation.


RPM Journalist Starla Myers arrested by the OPP for reporting on 1492 Land Back Lane

A report from the arrest of RPM reporter at the Six Nations Police Department on Sept. 15th.