Category: Location


Acknowledging on Whose Land We Live

GROUP URGES LOCAL TOWNSHIPS TO ACKNOWLEDGE INDIGENOUS LAND RIGHTS By Matthew Behrens An hour south of Ottawa, the picturesque heritage town of Perth – voted Ontario’s prettiest community by TVO viewers – is celebrating...


Coady Jipol: Mi’kmaq Warrior

ELSIPOGTOG – This is a video of Coady Jipol describing his experiences at the hands of the RCMP and the Justice system around the protests in New Brunswick trying to alert Canadians to stop the...


Resist: The Unisto’oten’s call to the land

WET’SUWET’EN TERRITORY – Resist: The Unist’oten’s Call to the Land is a short documentary that was filmed in the summer of 2013 on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, 1000 km north of Vancouver in northern BC (western...


The silence of the Zapatistas

CHIAPAS – History is rarely told by those who live and make it. This documentary was created as part of a collective video project in which the EZLN’s Autonomous Rebel Zapatista Municipalities participate. The Silence of...


The Apology

This song was made in memory of and dedicated to the 50 000 + First Nations children who were murdered/went missing in Canada’s residential school holocaust. The song is also dedicated to any person...


The Secwepemc treaty vote is a human rights violation

By Arthur Manuel SECWEPEC TERRITORY – The upcoming northern Secwepemc vote on the Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw (NStQ) treaty is a violation of our human and indigenous right to self-determination as the Secwepemc People under...


Open Letter on the murder of Jon Styres

SIX NATIONS – The following open letter was sent by Six Nations resident Janie Jamieson to the Attorney General of Ontario and to various local Six Nations politicians. The letter concerns the gunning down of...


The Mohawk Ten Commandments

GANIENKEH – 40 years ago on this day, Karoniaktajeh (aka Louis Hall) authored what he termed “The Mohawk Ten Commandments” in the Warrior Society’s newsletter. Karoniaktajeh was an artist and teacher who designed the Unity flag,...


LTN: Drugs, Addiction and Community

CATTARAGUS SENECA TERRITORY – This week’s episode begins a big conversation about drugs, addiction and community. Matt Hill and Louis Snyder host the show with John Kane and are joined by Mike Snyder, Paula...


Iroquois Cosmology and the Clan System

By Tom Keefer SIX NATIONS – Tehahenteh is a Turtle Clan Kanien’kehà:ka elder from Six Nations who teaches the Kanien’kéha language. On February 3rd, 2016 he sat down to speak with Real Peoples Media about...