Category: Audio


John Machimity speaks out about corruption and control at Ojibway Nation of Saugeen

OJIBWAY NATION OF SAUGEEN – John Machimity is the brother of Edward Machimity, the chief of the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen #258. In this interview – recorded in January of 2017, John brings up serious...


Rez Quest #25 – Reppin the Tribe with Isaac Murdoch

In this episode Wes chills with his brother Isaac Murdoch. The focus is on culture and the Indian Act. Isaac is an artist, activist and all around bushman. You can follow him on Twitter: @IsaacMurdoch1 or...


Mario and Buzzy Baptiste: rights, responsibilities, and knowing who you are

TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – Mario and Buzzy Baptiste are two Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) men who have long been involved in the cannabis industry. They were both in attendance at the January 28th meeting of the Indigenous...


“Not my president, not my congress, not my court, not my government, not my constitution”

“Not my president, not my congress, not my court, not my bible, not my government, not my constitution.” John Kane of Let’s Talk Native gives a no-nonsense analysis of Trump’s first week in office....


Coverage of the developing Indigenous medical cannabis industry in Tyendinaga

Over the past year Real People’s Media has covered the growth of an Indigenous medical cannabis industry in Tyendinaga that of this writing now consists of three dispensaries openly operating within the territory. The...


Kanasaraken (Loran Thompson) on medical cannabis and the Onkwehon:we

Kanasaraken (Loran Thompson)speaks to Tom Keefer of Real Peoples Media about his thoughts on the draft framework and bylaws of the Indigenous Medical Cannabis Association, the significance of medical cannabis as a healing herb,...


Brian Marquis on the Indigenous Medical Cannabis Association

Brian Marquis is a Mohawk from Tyendinaga. He has been growing cannabis for over 40 years, and in this interview he speaks about his involvement in the industry and his thoughts on the formation...


Let’s Talk Native rings in the New Year

LTN rings in the New Year! Matt, Lou and I start making the case for what needs to happen in 2017. We are not the only ones who are not fans of peaceful protests....

Sakoietah speaks from Standing Stone Camp

Sakoietah provides Real People’s Media with an update from the camp of the Sacred Stones, where thousands of Indigenous people and their allies have gathered to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline which is threatening...


Jerry Sandy on Fran’s Earthship

Jerry Sandy is an Onondaga man from Six Nations. He and members of his family put on a feast to feed the 50 or so volunteers that were involved in building the Earthship for...