Category: RPM YouTube


Jeff Hawk discusses Six Nations cannabis meeting

Jeff Hawk, of Green Health for Six Nations dispensary speaks about a previous meeting held with Band Council health agencies in which they expressed interest in healing with cannabis and working with indigenous dispensaries....


New petition calls on the federal government to honour the treaties with Indigenous peoples

SCARBOROUGH – As Canada nears its 150th birthday, not every community in the country has equal cause to celebrate. For that reason, a United Church congregation in Scarborough has launched a petition calling on the...


Ateronhiata:kon (Francis Boots) and Kanasaraken (Loran Thompson) speaking in Hamilton and Toronto

The May 21 and May 22 long weekend was marked by two successful events organized by Real People’s Media in Hamilton and Toronto. Kanien’kehá:ka elders Ateronhiata:kon (Francis Boots) and Kanasaraken (Loran Thompson) gave talks on the...


Onkwehon:we Health and the Keto Lifestyle: an interview with Tehoia Tathe

Tehoia Tathe is an Oneida man living in Akwesasne. He is a power-lifter and recently has been experimenting with the Ketogenic lifestyle as a means of regaining his health and wellbeing. Tehoia Tathe speaks...


Water protector Todd Williams faces court battle with Enbridge over Onkwehon:we rights

By Tom Keefer HAMILTON – Todd Williams, a Cayuga man of the Snipe Clan, was in Superior Court on Wednesday April 26th, facing a legal action initiated by the Enbridge corporation. Williams and another Six...


Boundless energy and unlimited powers: an interview with Jagwadeth

  This is an interview with Jagwadeth Sandy, a member of the Onondaga Wolf Clan who was born and raised in Oswego (Six Nations of the Grand River Territory). Jahwadeth speaks about his family’s...


“Idle No More” by Kevin Shaganash

Kevin Shaganash is from Constance Lake First Nation. This is his song “Idle No More”.


Gary Wassaykeesic visits Legacy 420 in Tyendinaga

TYENEDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – Gary Wassaykeesic, a correspondent for Real People’s Media makes a visit to Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory to check out Legacy 420 for himself. Here’s his reaction to the place and the movement...


Elder Vern Harper: the sharing circle

This is the second interview that Gary Wassaykeesic organized with Elder Vern Harper in Toronto. Elder Vern allowed the filming of the sharing circle to get across some important perspectives about how Indigenous people...


Gary Wasaykeesic speaks about furniture drive to Northern Indigenous communities

Gary Wassaykeesic of Real People’s Media speaks about the upcoming furniture drive that he is organizing. The truck is leaving from Toronto, and driving north to Thunder Bay, Savant Lake, and Mishkeegogamang. If you...